Simon Says

Leading with Inspiration

How Mentorship Benefits Our Team and Clients

A man and a child riding a bicycle on a dirt road.

Millions of television viewers see the power of mentorship come to life each week on the popular TV show Shark Tank. But you don’t have to be a budding entrepreneur to benefit from the inspirational guidance of a trusted mentor.

The power of mentorship cuts across all industries, and it’s especially beneficial in marketing communications. Let’s explore why mentorship matters, the approach we take at The Simon Group, and how it benefits both our agency and our clients.

How mentorship benefits marketing communications professionals

The benefits of mentorship are numerous. It helps colleagues further their personal and professional growth, stay curious, and count on a helpful resource for guidance.

When colleagues provide constant feedback and encouragement to each other, it dramatically improves everyone’s self-esteem and empowers teams to embrace new challenges. What’s more, by sharing their unique perspectives, both mentors and mentees share fresh ideas and improve their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

When employees experience major transitions, such as taking on new client responsibilities or managing people for the first time, mentors are there for them. They share their insights, provide a safe place for guidance, and offer ongoing reassurance.

Why all organizations can reap the rewards of mentorship

When you add up the multiple benefits individuals garner from mentorship, it equals improved business results. Matter of fact, one study from MentorcliQ revealed that Fortune 500 companies with formal mentoring programs increased their profits by 111% from 2020 – 2021. Beyond dollars and cents, mentorship also helps companies close the skills gaps and create a strong sense of belonging among their employees.

What’s more, when it comes to creating an outstanding workplace culture, it’s hard to beat the value of mentorship. LinkedIn data shows that 90% of employees with mentors say they’re happy at work. And because 83% of Gen Z employees believe a workplace mentor is critical for their career growth, mentorship will help any company attract new talent.

Mentorship in marketing communications: Peer coaching at The Simon Group

Mentorship programs can take many forms. At The Simon Group, our mentorship approach is informal and peer-driven. Instead of officially designating certain staff as mentors, we encourage everyone to be resources for each other, exchanging knowledge and advice through reciprocal coaching partnerships.

By working collaboratively in mutually enhancing relationships, our colleagues help one another tackle new responsibilities, develop best practices, and hone their skills. In the process, we strive to raise our personal levels of self-awareness and self-reflection, improve our goal-setting abilities, and strengthen our communication. Because everyone’s career path is different, mixing junior roles with seasoned veterans can fast-track development.

When our teammates coach one another, they exemplify many of our organizational values—the behaviors that help us support The Simon Group’s mission and fulfill our vision. These include giving and welcoming constructive feedback, being open to the opinions of others, and leveraging the team’s collective experience for ideas.

the framework behind peer coaching

We recognize that the most impactful mentoring relationships happen when mentors and mentees put 100% effort into helping each other. To help make this happen agency-wide, we follow a few best practices. These include connecting on a regular cadence, practicing sincerity in all relationships, actively listening, and maintaining mutual respect.

We believe in mentorship because we’ve seen the results—and so have our clients. Through peer coaching, we’ve built a team that’s scalable and adaptable. Our colleagues are motivated to dive in, brainstorm ideas, and embrace all project types.

Ultimately, because more of our team has been exposed to mentoring, they understand the industries they work to promote. They also provide more comprehensive customer service that drives results with significantly less ramp-up time. When clients ask whether we can scale to meet their growing needs, we can answer yes confidently, because we know our team has the knowledge and support to get the job done right.

go forth and mentor

Mentoring isn’t just for entrepreneurs looking to woo Mark Cuban or Barbara Corcoran. It’s for everyone. Take the first step by making the effort to help one of your colleagues work through a particular challenge today. You’ll both be glad you did.

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